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Your course package includes:

  • Interactive, online learning activities you can access anytime, anywhere.
  • Full-length practice exams that help you focus and maximize your study time.
  • A simulated exam proven to increase your chances of passing. For example, students who take the AINS simulated exam score 6-9 points higher on AINS exams.**

You can also test wherever and whenever works best for you during the testing window!

Not Ready to Buy? Try a Free Sample Course

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AINS Sample Course


Try the Associate in Insurance program for free with this sample course. You’ll start developing the skills you need to understand why insurance exists, how it is evolving, and why it's so important for families and organizations.

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CPCU Sample Course


Try CPCU for free with this sample course. You’ll start developing the leadership skills you need to maximize the insurance value chain in areas such as risk management, insurer operations, critical thinking, and data literacy so you can create a competitive edge for your organization.

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ACRM Sample Course


Try the Associate in Cyber Risk Management program for free with this sample course. You’ll start developing the skills you need to build cyber resilience and mitigate potentially catastrophic cyber threats.

*25% off discount applies to designation courses, Micro-Certs, and online courses. Discount code expires at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on January 31, 2025. Discount excludes Leadership and Executive Education programs, exams, custom/collegiate content, and prepaid agreement enrollments.

**Based on exam results vs exam preparation methodologies, 2020-2021

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