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Exam Questions Guide

You have 65 minutes to answer 50 questions. Get ready for The Institutes Designations' exams by understanding the types of questions, and how to answer them.

Multiple choice question with four choices

Stand-Alone Questions

These questions test your knowledge of principles, concepts, and terms

  • These are stand-alone questions, which are basic multiple choice questions with four answer choices
  • You will need to recall information from the study material or know the definitions of keywords or phrases

TIP:  Prepare for these by studying the review questions in your course guide.

internal case question example

Internal-Case Questions

You will read and analyze a real-world scenario and apply your knowledge of the course material and the given facts to answer the question.

TIP: When studying, think about situations you might come across at work and apply them to the course material.

External Case Question

External-Case Questions

You will be given a detailed real-world scenario and be asked two or more questions about it. 

TIP: When studying, think about situations you might come across at work and apply them to the course material.


Person working on laptop

Tips for Answering Questions

  • Application-based questions require more time to read and think about more critically. 
  • Each question is worth one point.
  • Most questions require you to do one of the following:
    • Select the correct answer
    • Select the best answer
    • Complete a sentence
    • Determine if all of the answers are correct
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